【数学系】“π”头十足 —上海美高3.14圆周率日主题活动

时间: 2020年03月16日 10:10 - 2020年03月31日 09:34

3月14日圆周率日(PI DAY),是庆祝圆周率π的特别日子 。它不仅体现了人类科学技术的发展,更彰显了人类大脑和智慧的无限性,以及在数学领域的不懈追求。

Pi Day, March 14, is a special day to celebrate PI,because it not only embodies the development of human science and technology, but also shows the infinite power of the human brain and wisdom, as well as the unrelenting pursuit in the field of mathematics. 

为了激发同学们学习数学的热情,用更轻松愉快的方式去接受、理解知识,鼓励大家积极探索,在家上网课期间,我校学生在上周举行了PI DAY数学圆周率日主题艺术活动,从了解圆周率的历史发展,圆周率的趣闻轶事,到设计圆周率的艺术海报,同学们用“最数学”的方式为这个神奇的数学常数“π”庆生。

We found ways to give the students' excitement for learning mathematics, accept and understand the knowledge in a more relaxed and pleasant way, and encouraged them to actively explore during the online class. Our students at Living Word Shanghai held a Pi Day on March 14th, a mathematical Pi Day with themed art activities, from understanding the historical development of PI, anecdotes of PI, to designing art posters, students celebrated this magical mathematical constant "π" in the "most mathematical" way.



The posters of the students can be called "innovation at its best". Countless wonderful ideas are combined together, and the concepts are harmonious. They not only have a sense of design, bold colors, but are also very relevant and full of logical surprises.






加拿大作曲家Michael Blake曾将圆周率的前31位“翻译”成音符然后编写成了一首钢琴曲,11年级的Ben同学也同样做了一首原创编曲π之歌来庆祝节日,音符交织相融,别具一格。下面,我们来欣赏一下~

Michael Blake, a Canadian composer, once "translated" the first 31 Pi's into notes and then wrote a piano piece. Ben, a grade 11 student, also made an original PI song to celebrate the festival. The notes are interwoven and unique.

Pi Day

美高G11 Ben同学原创曲Pi来自上海美高学校02:26



Allow a day, an event, a person or a knowledge point present itself in front of children in a diversified, scientific and meaningful manner, to give them a memory and understanding, so as to be able to develop and be hungry for knowledge. To be realistic and see the value and the mission of Living Word Shanghai education, and the realization of the dream of Yuanda education.

更多: cis.uchicago.edu/magic
标签: 学生活动 特色活动 多样性