圆周率日庆祝活动 The International Pi Day Celebration

时间: 2020年03月07日 09:22 - 2020年03月31日 09:22
描述:  3.14159265359…. need we go on? Celebrated on March 14 (yes, that’s 3-14), Pi Day not only commemorates a very special number, but also celebrates the birthday of the great scientist and mathematician Albert Einstein. Pi was first calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC), one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world. Pi Day has become a day to celebrate numbers and math, and celebrations are held across the world in honour of this very special number. These days, all of the numerical fun is sometimes accompanied by delicious food items such as pizza pie, fruit pie, and even pot pies! So please channel your inner math geek and get ready to calculate, eat, and celebrate everybody’s favourite never-ending number.


LWS is celebrating this day by doing a pi-theme art contest!!


The prize?? EXTRA CREDIT J

Contact your math teachers for more information!!



更多: cis.uchicago.edu/magic
标签: 多样性 特色活动 艺术活动 进行的活动