
时间: 2020年02月18日 11:40 - 2020年03月31日 11:40
描述:  疫情无情,教育有情。新型冠状病毒来袭,美高人众志成城,共克时艰。学校不断加大预防宣传力度,提高全体师生抗击病毒、预防自护的安全意识。同时面对“加长版”寒假,为最大程度降低疫情给学生的学习和成长带来的影响,我校已经部署好寒假期间及延期开学的相关工作,以保证防疫学习两不误。




According to the latest notice from the Shanghai Education Commission, in order to ensure the safety of students, it has been decided that schools of all levels in the city will not start before the end of February. In accordance with the initiative of the ministry of education, "no suspension of classes", we actively organized efforts to guide education departments and schools at all levels to carry out online teaching. Due to the impact of the epidemic, in order to ensure the progress of students' learning, after the discussion of school leaders, we will use Edmodo platform to upload teaching tasks, assignments, course resources and assessments.




At the same time, starting from February 19 (Wednesday), the teacher will try to use the Zoom platform for online teaching.




The class schedule is the same as normal schedule at school, teachers will work with students to understand the use and functions of the platform, set up online classes to collect student information and other content,and the teachers will collect feedback on the use of the platform uniformly on Friday.




Zoom 官网地址:


Edmodo 官网地址:



About the use of Edmodo and the Zoom platform Students are kindly requested to download it to a computer or other electronic device, or log in and register directly on the webpage, and understand the instructions for using the platform. 

Download addresses:






Online teaching will be officially launched on February 24th (Monday). The timetable for online teaching is the same as normal schedule at school. Teachers will review the first week (Week A) and the second week (Week B) of online teaching, and then will start learning new content.


网上教学期间,请同学们于早上8:40 前和班主任报告健康状况和目前所在地,班主任仍然会每天收集学生的健康状况和所在地信息。学生和家长们有任何问题可以及时与班主任沟通。

During the online teaching period, please report your health status and current location to your homeroom teacher before 8:40 am. The homeroom teacher will still collect students' health status and location information every day. Students and parents can communicate with the homeroom teacher in time if they have any questions.


学校提醒学生们,在线课程学习与线下学习的要求是一致的,希望同学们准时出勤,投入学习,完成作业等,出勤和作业的分数都将记录在Gradelink 系统中。学校同样希望家长们积极配合老师,对学生在家在线学习的出勤率、课程专注度、作业完成质量进行提醒与监督!

The school reminds students that the requirements of online course learning and school study are the same, and we hope that students will be on time to attend, invest in learning,complete homework, etc. The attendance and homework scores will be recorded in the Gradelink system. The school also hopes that parents will be active cooperate with teachers to remind and supervise students' attendance, homework concentration, and quality of homework completion at home!


网上教学课表与在校上课课表一致,仍使用A周和B周的时间表,同学们可以登录Gradelink 查看。

Tips: The online teaching schedule is the same as the school schedule, and are still following bi-weekly schedule. Students can log in to Gradelink to view it.



We will inform you in time about the open school start time and further arrangements.Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you all health and safety!




更多: cis.uchicago.edu/magic